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Diverse and CoopLew Partnership to Spark Wave of Diversity Initiatives, Research, and Literature



Contact: Ralph Newell
Phone: 703.385.2419
Email: [email protected]

Partnership to focus on key areas and experts of diversity administration and targeted skill-sets for diversity officers in higher education

Fairfax, Va.— CoopLew and Diverse announce a partnership for an ongoing series of national diversity initiatives, research, and literature in higher education. The partnership will concentrate on specific skill-sets every chief diversity officer (CDO) should know and utilize national experts to expose the lived-experience of CDOs.

The partnership will showcase diversity research as well as best practices for onboarding, administration, crises management, CDO standards, paradigm-shifting and career development. “Our products will help clients expand their diversity networks and develop a national community that enhances recruitment and retention of transformative leaders in the field,” said Dr. Ken Coopwood, Co-Founder of CoopLew.

Diverse and CoopLew activities benefit diversity professionals in universities, corporations, government, social services and nonprofits. They provide dedicated instruction and information in areas of finance, development, staffing, law, sociology, politics, inter-culturalism, C-Suite and much more.

“We are delighted to bring an unprecedented partnership and training experience to a growing body of professionals whose role is perhaps the toughest, outside of the president, in all of higher education and corporate America” added Ralph Newell, Vice President, Business Development & Technology of Diverse: Issues In Higher Education.

Dr. William T. Lewis, Co-Founder of CoopLew, Ralph Newell of Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, and Dr. Bill Harvey, Founder of the National Association for Chief Diversity Officers in Higher Education, and CoopLew Strategic Advisor, round out the leadership for this promising partnership.
Anticipated initiatives to come from the CoopLew-Diverse partnership include:

• National scorecard on university diversity efficacy
• CoopLew Corner – a recurring advisory and inspirational column
• Co-branded podcast series
• National sponsorship opportunities
• Targeted training for institutions needing cultural transformation
• Skill application and performance critiques for CDOs at all levels

Find out about CoopLew and Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. For more information, contact CoopLew at [email protected] , or (800) LEAD-CDO.

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