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Grants & Awards

Alabama State University received a $10,000 grant from math and science department chair Dr. Wallace Maryland Jr. and his wife, Naomi, to endow the Wallace and Naomi Maryland Scholarship in the ASU Trust for Educational Excellence. The scholarship is designated for students studying math or science.

Albright College (Pa.) received a $4.75 million grant from Margaret K. Schumo to establish the Schumo Center for Fitness and Well-Being at Albright. This is the largest gift in the college’s history. The gift will expand the college’s planned 10,000-square-foot fitness center renovation into a two-story, 22,000 square-foot facility.

The City College of New York Biomedical Engineering Department received a $750,000 grant from the National Cancer Institute to conduct cancer research and training activities in partnership with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The grant will fund two pilot projects: one to understand the role of permeability of blood vessels in the metastasis of cancers and develop possible strategies for preventing metastases; the other to determine whether electrical stimulation of tumors can help chemotherapy drugs target malignant cells.

Daemen College (N.Y.) received a $69,455 grant from the Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation to support Fresh Start, an early literacy project with the goal of improving the literacy of children residing in the East Side of Buffalo, N.Y. The project includes early literacy training and instruction to the teachers employed by St. John Christian Academy and seven Head Start programs.

The Goldman Sachs Foundation has awarded a $2.3 million grant to be divided among Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.); Harvard University (Mass.); London School of Economics and Political Science (England); Princeton University (N.J.); Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland); the University of Chicago; and the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) for the University Access Program: Creating Opportunities for Talent. The program helps academically talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds succeed at these institutions.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund received a $1 million grant from the Goldman Sachs Foundation for support of the HSF Scholar Chapters and for a collaborative effort to ready 2,500 Hispanic middle-school students for admission to top universities and colleges.

Moraine Valley Community College (Ill.) received a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The “Challenge America: Reaching Every Community” grant will help underwrite artist expenses for this year’s Chicago Artist Series.

New Mexico State University alumnus Danny Villanueva has committed $2.5 million to the university’s “Doing What Counts” fund-raising campaign, with $1 million of the gift designated for the NMSU Children’s Village. The Villanueva gift will help expand programs at the Children’s Village, which opened its doors in 2003 and provides care to about 50 children, mostly the children of NMSU’s nontraditional students.

Northwestern Michigan College received a $450,000 Michigan Energy Efficiency Grant from the Michigan Public Service Commission to establish an Energy Demonstration Center at NMC’s Michigan Technical Education Center campus. The grant is the most recent in a series of grants awarded to NMC through the Michigan Energy Efficiency fund to address the need to develop a trained workforce in energy efficient and renewable energy technologies in commercial and residential construction.

Stanford University (Calif.) received a $500,000 grant from the Goldman Sachs Foundation for the Stanford Educational Leadership Institute. The grant promotes the development of schools and individuals who have the potential to achieve high-quality teaching and learning.

Texas Tech University received a $100,000 grant from the San Francisco-based Bernard Osher Foundation for the TTU Lifelong Learning Community. West Texans 55 and older will have more opportunities to expand their knowledge of various topics including architecture, art, history and current affairs. The Texas Tech Lifelong Learning Community will be renamed the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Texas Tech University and join the national network of Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes.

University of California, Santa Cruz received a $1.2 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine to establish a new training program in the biology of stem cells. The UCSC program will be part of a three-year, $12.5 million institutewide stem cell research program to train predoctoral, postdoctoral and clinical fellows at 16 institutions across the state. The UCSC grant will fund the training of three predoctoral fellows and three postdoctoral fellows each year.

University of Florida received a $750,000 grant from the Wachovia Foundation to allow the Florida Flagship Schools network to add five schools from south-central Florida. The network, a statewide school-improvement partnership between UF and high-poverty elementary schools, already works with at-risk schools in Jacksonville, Gainesville and Miami-Dade County to improve student learning and teacher retention.

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