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Grants & Gifts

The CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK has received $9.6 MILLION from the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom to develop an honors program in legal studies to provide students from diverse backgrounds the training and education necessary for law school admission.

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY’s Teachers College has received a $500,000 grant from the Lumina Foundation for its Community College Research Center to study state performance funding systems for higher education.

DELAWARE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Pa.) has received a $500,000 grant from the Sunoco Foundation to help fund the construction of its new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Complex on its main campus.

FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY’s College of Medicine has received a $10 MILLION gift from Benjamín León Jr., founder of Leon Medical Centers, for the College of Medicine to establish the Benjamín León J. Family Center for Geriatric Research and Education. The funds will also help establish the Leon Medical Centers Eminent Scholars Chair in Geriatrics. Under the State of Florida Major Gifts Trust Fund, the gift is eligible for matching funds.

KNOX COLLEGE (Ill.) has received a $150,000 grant from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation to add to the William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund, which provides aid to students of color majoring in educational studies.

NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY’s College of Veterinary Medicine has received a $625,000 grant from Novartis Animal Health U.S. Inc. to support the university’s Clinical Trials Program.

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Md.) has received a $50,000 gift from the Wal-Mart Foundation to implement Scholarship America’s® Dreamkeepers Emergency Financial Assistance Program. The program keeps community college students who face an unexpected crisis from dropping out.

The STUDENT AFRICAN AMERICAN BROTHERHOOD has received a $725,000 grant from the Lumina Foundation to conduct, with the OMG Center for Collaborative Learning, a comprehensive evaluation of the SAAB program, which aims to increase the number of Black and Latino men graduating from college.

The UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA has received a $2 MILLION National Science Foundation grant to develop its Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars, or CATS program.

The UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO has received a $20 MILLION donation from Chicago futures trader and alumnus William Eckhardt to benefit the Physical Sciences Division at the university.

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