Chiefs for Change, a nonprofit, bipartisan network of diverse education chiefs, recently released a statement summarizing a new blueprint for postsecondary success for K-12 schools, higher ed institutions and preparing students for degree completion and an easy transition into high-demand fields.
Though the percentage of students graduating high school has increased over the years, the chiefs note in the statement that they are concerned that some graduates don’t have paths to achieve upward economic mobility.
“This is especially true for students from low-income families. They face higher rates of unemployment and, when they do pursue postsecondary education, are often burdened by crushing debt,” the wrote.
Some of the tactics that the chiefs outline for postsecondary success include:
- Asking federal and state lawmakers to require a public, transparent acknowledgment of postsecondary data on enrollment, completion, persistence, employment and earnings by key demographics and tied to individual higher ed institutions, school districts and secondary schools across the nation.
- Calling for better postsecondary options for every graduate by eliminating approaches to career education that are not in line with industry demands and instead include programming that better prepares students for successful careers.
- Asking each postsecondary provider and higher ed institution focus on degree completion and helping students easily transition to post-graduation careers.
“As the leaders of some of the nation’s largest K-12 education systems, we have a responsibility to our students that goes beyond the walls of our schools and follows them into young adulthood, the education leaders stated. “No diploma should be a ticket to nowhere. We will redouble our own efforts to guide our students to reliable and affordable postsecondary pathways. And we pledge our partnership to existing institutions of higher education, social entrepreneurs, employers, and all others committed to overcoming this most urgent challenge.”