California Competes: Higher Education for a Strong Economy is partnering with ProjectAttain!, California State University, Sacramento, and the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District (Shasta College) for a statewide collaborative that strives to support California adults with some college but no credential (SCNC).
The collaborative, CaliforniaAttain!, will identify and create solutions for barriers to re-enrollment and college completion and advance policy reform towards implementation of promising solutions. The partnership aims to create a blueprint for increasing SCNC student success that can be scaled up statewide and nationwide.
It began this past summer.
“To mitigate postsecondary enrollment declines and narrow the credential gap, we have to make systemic shifts in higher education to better serve the four million adults in this state who started their postsecondary programs but did not complete a degree,” said California Competes Executive Director Dr. Su Jin Jez. “Through the infrastructure of CaliforniaAttain!, we can leverage the diversity of strengths and expertise of the partner organizations, center student experiences, and expand on the great work that is happening on a local level.”