Future test-takers can expect the ACT college entrance exam to be shorter with an optional science section, according to new changes announced by ACT officials.
Janet Godwin
Students can choose to take the ACT, the ACT plus science, the ACT plus writing, or the ACT plus science and writing. The exam’s Composite score will be the average of the English, reading, and math scores. The Composite and section scores will continue to be reported on the same 1-36 scale.
“We've also reduced the length of the test by up to one-third, depending on which version of the test students take,” said Godwin.
With fewer questions (44 fewer) and shorter passages on the reading and English sections, the new core test window will two hours compared to three hours for the current test.
“These changes to the ACT test reflect our commitment to continually evolving to meet the needs of learners and underscore our legacy of innovation that has been at the core of ACT’s mission since 1959,” said Godwin.
“As ACT continues to innovate and adapt, our dedication to providing accessible, reliable, and forward-thinking readiness solutions remains steadfast, ensuring every learner has the opportunity to succeed.”