KATTI GRAYWomenNavigating New Campus Sexual Assault Investigation Rules Will Be Challenging, Say Some CollegesWhether new federal rules governing how to resolve cases of on-campus sex crimes will, as many critics fear, prompt some victims to stay silent about being assaulted is yet to be shown. Nevertheless, in the lead-up to an Aug. 14 deadline to comply with those regulations, many colleges and universities, as well as attorneys, acknowledge […]July 14, 2020Community CollegesWhy Flexibility in Credit Transfers Is Crucial for Equity in a Post-COVID-19 WorldHigher education groups have urged four-year institutions to revamp how they evaluate credits earned by students transferring campuses, saying both four-year and two-year colleges must ensure that more credits count toward baccalaureate degrees, especially in a post-coronavirus economy.May 18, 2020Latest NewsInitiatives Seek to Broaden Access to Legal Counsel for Rural ResidentsTo illustrate the dire need for more attorneys in rural America, a University of Arkansas Bowen School of Law professor tells the story of an older lawyer, well beyond typical retirement age, who wouldn’t leave his job in a one-lawyer town until a younger legal mind came to take his place.April 30, 2020Leadership & Policy‘Pressure is Turning Way up’: College Presidents Plan Layoffs, Budget Cuts Due to Coronavirus, Says SurveyIn response to the upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic, more than 72% of college presidents expect to lay off employees, almost 55% project across-the-board budget cuts and almost 40% will likely cut research-and-development spending, according to a recent survey of higher education leaders’ priorities amid campus shutdowns.April 9, 2020Latest NewsRoots to Re-entry Project Provides Landscape Training to Formerly Incarcerated MenLandCare’s Roots to Re-entry project employs and trains formerly incarcerated people who transform vacant lots into “pocket parks” with playground equipment barbecue grills, all while lowering crime.March 9, 2020HBCUsSecond Chance Pell Students Earn College DegreeFrom the medium-security prison where he’s been incarcerated since 2009, Robert M. Williams has continued to nurture a boyhood dream of designing and selling the sartorial finery he’d admired in glossy magazines and on the bodies of folks with a certain income.December 18, 2018HomeResearchers Probe Criminal Gang Life in Rural MississippiGang activity is a reality in rural America and not just large cities, according to two research scholars who are probing the lifestyles and motivations of young people in Clarksdale, Mississippi whose alleged crimes are linked to gang affiliations.May 2, 2018HomeResearchers Double Effort to Enroll Women in Breast-Disease StudyLeaders of a landmark study aimed at heightening the focus on family medical history and genetic drivers that put some women at higher risks than others for developing breast disease are ramping up efforts to add Black females to their hoped-for pool of 100,000 participants.April 1, 2018HomeExpected Blockbuster Film ‘Black Panther’ Poised to Challenge Racial AssumptionsHis “Black Panther” fandom stretches back to Dr. Greg Carr’s boyhood, with him dashing inside a neighborhood store to snag the latest edition of that barrier-busting Marvel comics series about a caped, cat-masked superhero hailing from a fictionalized, self-determining African nation.February 15, 2018StudentsNguyen Draws on Experience to Start Repairing Education InequitiesDr. Thai-Huy Nguyen, selected by Diverse as a member of the 2017 Class of Emerging Scholars, says he will function as a navigator to steer disadvantaged community college students through a system for which they are largely unfamiliar.February 21, 2017Previous PagePage 2 of 6Next Page