Jamaal Abdul-AlimAsian American Pacific IslanderExperts: Institutionalizing Programs at AANAPISIs is EssentialOne of the best ways for Asian American, Native American and Pacific Islander students to move from the margins of higher education to the mainstream is for colleges and universities to institutionalize the programs designed to serve them.October 1, 2017StudentsDollar General Latest Business Offering Tuition ReimbursementAs part of a growing trend among businesses seeking to attract and retain dedicated talent, Dollar General announced that employees will be eligible for a tuition reimbursement program covering all or much of the cost of attending an online degree program at Bellevue University.September 28, 2017StudentsStudent Loan Default Rate Rises SlightlyThe portion of students defaulting on their federal student loans inched up 11.3 to 11.5 percent, data released Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Education show.September 27, 2017StudentsAnalysis: States’ Interest in Outcomes-based Higher Ed Funding GrowsTwice as many states – four – as the prior year adopted outcomes-based funding in higher education in 2017, and a growing number of state legislatures made an effort to do so but got thwarted in the end, a new analysis released Tuesday by the Education Commission of the States shows.September 26, 2017StudentsChancellor Salgado Focuses on Mission and EfficiencyJuan Salgado was tapped by Mayor Rahm Emanuel earlier this year to become chancellor of City Colleges of Chicago after having served 16 years as CEO of Instituto del Progreso Latino, a community-based not-for-profit located in Chicago’s Lower West Side neighborhood.September 25, 2017News RoundupComey’s Speech at Howard Prompts ProtestsWashington — A small but boisterous contingent of student protesters disrupted what might have otherwise been an unremarkable convocation speech by former FBI director James Comey Friday at Howard University. A Diverse writer had a front row seat for the convocation chaos — and its aftermath — which marked the historically Black university’s 150th […]September 23, 2017StudentsInnovative Strategies for HBCUs Proposed at CBC ConferenceA range of solutions and strategies emerged Thursday at the inaugural HBCU “braintrust” of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual legislative conference.September 21, 2017StudentsOrganizations Call for DeVos to Halt Student Loan Policy ChangesThe regulatory changes being pursued by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in the student loan arena could “spell disaster for students of color who are too often exploited in consumer lending,” a group of 39 organizations said in a letter to DeVos.September 19, 2017StudentsCollege Students: Hazing Here to StayA new survey has found that a majority of current college students — 52 percent — thought hazing will always be present on college campuses while 46 percent thought it could be eliminated.September 18, 2017HomeNew Executive Director of White House Initiative on HBCUs Receives Mixed CritiquesThe White House has reportedly selected Johnathan Holifield to be the next executive director of the White House Initiative on HBCUs.September 17, 2017Previous PagePage 3 of 79Next Page