Phillip Rawls, Associated PressLeadership & PolicyVendor in Dispute With Alabama State University Over CateringThe head of a food services company said officials at Alabama State University threatened to cancel the company’s contract after it wouldn’t commit to providing thousands of dollars in free catering for the new president’s inaugural.September 4, 2014HomeSenators Block Appointment of 2 Alabama State University TrusteesState senators have blocked two of Gov. Robert Bentley’s four selections for the board, prompting him to resume his search for trustees at the university that has been a focus of his administration for more than a year.April 2, 2014StudentsAlabama State University Supporters Rally over BudgetAlabama State University students and supporters rallied in the rain outside the Statehouse on Thursday to make sure a big budget cut is restored to their university.March 9, 2014StudentsAlabama State University Supporters Rally over BudgetAlabama State University students and supporters rallied in the rain outside the Statehouse on Thursday to make sure a big budget cut is restored to their university.March 6, 2014StudentsAlabama State Trustees Choose Boyd as PresidentGwendolyn Boyd went from a Montgomery housing project as a girl to a career with a leadership position at Johns Hopkins University.December 22, 2013African-AmericanLiterary Struggle Continues Over Mark Twain’s ‘Offensive’ WordsIn the wake of the latest furor over Twain’s depiction of American slavery, scholars are divided over a publisher’s move to remove N-word from forthcoming edition of the author’s acclaimed novels.January 5, 2011Page 1 of 1