Marcus BrightAfrican-AmericanSome Black Employees Toil in Sunken Place UniversityThe underlying theme of the hit movie “Get Out” is about a mind control process that conditions Black people to accept a marginalized status and continually choose to go into the back doors of life.March 26, 2017StudentsRenewed Focus Needed on Intangible Factors for StudentsAs students begin the 2016-17 school year, there is a need for a fresh effort to encourage students to develop key intangibles and invest in their inner development.September 8, 2016African-AmericanHigher Ed, Civil Rights Groups Should Explore Areas of ConvergenceThere is plenty of common ground between universities and civil rights groups that needs to be uplifted and utilized. There is a gulf that needs to be filled.August 2, 2016Previous PagePage 2 of 2