Terry CalawayOpinionParadigm Shift: DEI, Anti-DEI, or Underrepresentation?Developing leaders on boards and throughout institutions in today’s environment requires institutions not only to be able to sustain social justice-minded cultures but also to stay a step ahead of major issues in uncharted waters.December 8, 2024OpinionCultural Competence: A Critical Skill for Today’s Police OfficersThe missions of higher education and policing differ, yet each occupies well-known and established community spaces.July 19, 2024From the MagazineA State of Affairs, the Underrepresentation of Minority Community College TrusteesSome colleges are leading the way, openly sharing models that embed diversity, equity, and inclusion.July 7, 2023From the MagazineCultivating a Culture of Connection and Care for the Changing TerrainPerspectives and expectations based on work from home that began during the COVID-19 pandemic spawned changes in communicating, teaching, and engaging.December 2, 2022OpinionTransformational Change in a World Comfortable with the Status QuoStatus quo has never been an option for leaders in the world of higher education.May 20, 2022OpinionCharacteristics of Successful Local Partnerships for Community GrowthToday, business executives and relocation consultants list the availability of skilled local workers as their greatest concern and pressure is now upon community colleges that supply that talent pipeline.April 13, 2022Opinion'Skills Builders': Mislabeled and MisunderstoodThe changing needs of the modern American workforce will require continuous training among current and future employeesJanuary 19, 2022Community CollegesRoueche Center Forum: Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Community CollegeWhile education is the great equalizer, enrollment and attainment gaps linked to race and ethnicity have long plagued the nation’s educational system, particularly among African American, Hispanic and Native American students. Researchers and practitioners emphasize the need for culturally relevant supports and interventions to address issues of equitable enrollment, retention and completion practices on college campuses. One such intervention, Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), has proven to be a powerful strategy to improve student success and completion.June 10, 2021Page 1 of 1