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NASA Names University Space Science Education Partners

NASA Names University Space Science Education PartnersWASHINGTON
Sixteen universities have been named recipients of NASA’s 2003 Minority University College Education and Research Partnership Initiative in Space Science (MUCERPI) award.
MUCERPI offers minority universities an opportunity to develop academic programs and/or faculty and student capabilities in space science through close partnerships with major space science research groups. The capabilities developed under this initiative may include research, undergraduate or graduate courses or degree programs, pre-college or public outreach programs, and/or teacher training in space science.
“This initiative develops significant opportunities for students in the K-12 environment and students at minority institutions of higher learning to engage in space science exploration and research,” says Dr. Adena Williams Loston, NASA associate administrator for education. “This initiative assists us in expanding the educational pipeline and future work force.”
The 2003 MUCERPI awards include eight historically Black colleges and universities, five Hispanic-serving institutions, two tribal colleges and universities, and one predominantly minority university. The awards are three-year grants offering up to $275,000 per year. MUCERPI’s period of performance is Jan. 1, 2004, to Dec. 31, 2006.
“The success of this initiative comes from the willingness of our leading space science researchers to participate as active partners and to work seriously to help develop space science capabilities at minority institutions,” says Dr. Edward J. Weiler, NASA associate administrator for space science.
The 2003 recipients of the MUCERPI award are:
Alabama A&M University (Normal, Ala.); California State University (Los Angeles); California State University (San Bernardino, Calif.); Fisk University (Nashville, Tenn.); Hampton University (Hampton, Va.); Medgar Evers College (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Norfolk State University (Norfolk, Va.); North Carolina A&T University (Greensboro); Salish Kootenai College (Pablo, Mont.); South Carolina State University (Orangeburg); Southern University and A&M College (Baton Rouge, La.); Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (Albuquerque, N.M.); the University of the District of Columbia (Washington); University of Houston Downtown (Houston); the University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez); and the University of Texas-El Paso.

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