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Jacqueline Woods to Join AAUW as Executive Director

Jacqueline Woods to Join AAUW as Executive Director

Jacqueline Woods, community college liaison for the U.S. Department of Education, has been named executive director of the American Association of University Women, a national organization with approximately 150,000 members, that promotes education and equity for women.
Woods, will be executive
director of the three corporations that comprise the association: More than 1,500 branches nationwide that lobby and advocate for education and equity; the association’s Educational Foundation, which funds pioneering research on girls and education, community action projects and fellowships and grants for women around the globe; and the association’s Legal Advocacy Fund, which provides a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination in higher education. Woods begins Dec. 11.
She says one of her goals is to raise the association’s profile and broaden the base of the organization by bringing in more women of color. And although the association’s membership is primarily women, Woods also would like to bring men into the discussion.
“Men and boys have a stake in seeing women and girls achieve,” she says.
“We are fortunate to have someone of Jackie’s caliber take the helm at AAUW,” says Sandy Bernard, president of AAUW. “She is coming on board at a critical time as AAUW grows and evolves to meet the changing needs of women and girls in the 21st century.” 

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