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Campuses Commit to IT Improvements

Campuses Commit to IT Improvements
Despite Budget Crunch
By Ronald Roach


The 13th annual Campus Computing survey, conducted by computing expert Dr. Kenneth C. Green, has concluded that college and university campuses across the United States are increasing their commitment to information technology even while working with smaller budgets. Green is the founder and director of The Campus Computing Project and a visiting scholar at Claremont Graduate University.

A snapshot of the study’s findings show:

• A growing number of colleges and universities are committed to providing a campus Web portal for Web-based student services.

• While the campus community is still playing catch-up on eCommerce and eService issues, survey data shows significant gains in those areas. For example, 40.5 percent of respondents can process credit-card payments from their campus Web sites, up from 27.6 percent last year.

• Despite the growing dedication to campus computing, academic computing budgets are on the decline for a growing number of colleges and universities. One-third (32.6 percent) reported cuts this year, compared to 18 percent last year.

• When asked what was the single most important information technology issue confronting campuses, 24.3 percentage of respondents said assisting faculty to integrate technology into instruction was the most important, followed by upgrading or replacing administrative/ERP systems (12.6 percent).

The annual Campus Computing survey is the largest ongoing study of computing and information technology in American higher education. The survey data are based on the responses provided by senior campus officials, typically the senior technology officer (CIO/CTO, vice president for information technology, etc.) The 2002 survey report is based on data provided by officials representing 632 two- and four-year public and private colleges and universities across the United States. Survey respondents completed the questionnaire during summer and fall 2002.

Copies of the 2002 Campus Computing Report will be available for delivery by Dec. 10 (price $37, plus $2.00 shipping/handling to U.S. addresses) from Kenneth Green, c/o Campus Computing, PO Box 261242, Encino, CA 91426-1242. The report can also be ordered from The Campus Computing Web Site: .

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