June 17-19
BIHE Inaugural National Conference
20th Anniversary Conference and Celebration
“Benchmarks & Barriers for People of Color in Higher Education”
Marriott Crystal Gateway
Arlington, Va.
Tel: (703) 385-2981
Web: www.blackissues.com
June 17-19
20th Anniversary Zora Neale Hurston Society Conference
“‘Fingering the Jagged Grain,’ Keeping the Pain of Pan-African and Post-Colonial Literary Criticism Alive, and Restructuring the Canon for the 21st Century”
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Tel: (443) 885-3435
E-mail: [email protected]
June 17-20
National HBCU Faculty
Development Symposium
Third Annual Summer Institute
“Transforming the Curriculum Through Innovations in Technology, Information Literacy and Service Learning”
Radisson Hotel Norfolk
Norfolk, Va.
E-mail: [email protected]
June 21
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
20th Annual Recruitment and Retention Conference
Renaissance Austin Hotel
Austin, Texas
Tel: (512) 427-6227
Web: www.thecb.state.tx.us/Conferences/RecruitmentAndRetention/20th/default.htm
June 26-29
American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
Millennium Leadership Initiative (MLI)
Washington, D.C.
Web: www.aascu.org/meetings
July 14-17
National Conference on Student Retention
18th Annual Conference
Hyatt Regency
New Orleans
Web: www.noellevitz.com
July 21-25
National Urban League
2004 Annual Conference
Detroit, Mich.
E-mail: [email protected]
July 25-27
Association of Higher Education
Facilities Officers (APPA)
Educational Facilities Leadership Forum 2004
Marriott Wardman Park
Washington, D.C.
Web: www.appa.org
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