April 2-5
Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU)
2005 Capitol Forum on Hispanic Higher Education
Madison Hotel
Web: www.hacu.net
April 2-6
American College Personnel Association
2005 Annual Convention
Gaylord Opryland Resort
& Convention Center
Nashville, Tenn.
Web: www.myacpa.org
April 6-9
Family and Community Violence Prevention Program
Sixth National Conference on Family and Community Violence Prevention
“Navigating Pathways to Violence Prevention: Exploring the Links Between Families and Communities”
Sheraton Waikiki
Web: www.fcvp.org
April 7-9
Department of English and Philosophy
Delta Blues Symposium XI
“Imagining the Delta”
Arkansas State University
Jonesboro, Ark.
Web: [email protected]
April 7-9
Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture
National Conference
“Feminism and Hip Hop”
University of Chicago
Phone: (773) 702-8063
E-mail: [email protected]
April 8-10
Second Annual Langston Hughes African American Film Festival
Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.h-net.msu.edu/announce/
April 9-12
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
2005 AACC Convention
Web: www.aacc.nche.edu/Convention
April 10-12
NACADA Mid-South Regional Conference
“Excellence in Advising: Guiding
Students to the Winner’s Circle”
The Chamberly Brown Hotel
Louisville, Ky.
Web: www.nacada.ksu.edu/Regional_Divisions/region3/confindex.htm
April 16
Herman C. Hudson Graduate Student Symposium
“Challenging Racism, (Hetero) Sexism, Classism and Homophobia in the African Diaspora”
Indiana University, Bloomington
Web: [email protected]
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