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University of Kansas Fraternity to Remain of Interim Suspension

LAWRENCE, Kan. ― The interim suspension of a University of Kansas fraternity has been extended while the school and Lawrence police investigate allegations of sexual assaults at the chapter house on the Lawrence campus.

Kappa Sigma was suspended Sept. 30 after the university received what Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little called “serious and disturbing” allegations of sexual assault at a fraternity party during the university’s homecoming the previous weekend.

The fraternity said the party was an unsanctioned gathering organized by pledges. In November it asked the university to end the suspension, arguing the fraternity is not a threat to the campus.

University and fraternity representatives met Nov. 24 to discuss that request. University procedures require a decision within 10 business days of the meeting. The university said Wednesday that all the parties agreed the deadline would be extended and Kappa Sigma’s interim suspension will continue indefinitely, The Lawrence Journal-World reported.

David Steen, president of the Kansas chapter’s Housing Corporation, said he understood the extension was prompted by new information but that university and police have not shared any details. University spokeswoman Erinn Barcomb-Peterson would not confirm any new information.

Lawrence Police spokesman Sgt. Trent McKinley said no one has been arrested and that the police investigation continues.

The interim suspension prevents fraternity members from conducting any meetings and parties, or from participating in intramural sports. Steen said the university made an exception to permit an annual scholarship dinner that honored nine fraternity members who earned straight As in the spring.

“My hope is that a fair fact-finding effort occurs, and that if there are problem individuals, that truly can be demonstrated to be problem individuals, that between KU and ourselves, we can deal with them,” Steen said. “We have removed people in the past … when their behavior was problematic, and we wouldn’t hesitate to do it in the future.”

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