Johnny C. Taylor Jr.StudentsParents Need Charters, Change and ChoiceWhile much progress has been made, the promise of equal access to quality education has not been fully fulfilled.October 9, 2017African-AmericanTMCF to Trump: Let Supreme Court Reflect DiversityThere is huge merit to diversifying a Court that will increasingly make decisions impacting everyday Americans.November 16, 2016Faculty & StaffHBCU Relevancy? A Glance at U.S. Demographics Provides AnswerNot a week goes by where those of us in the HBCU community are confronted with the question of the continued relevancy of HBCUs.September 9, 2015African-AmericanAnalysis: A Call to Accountability – The HBCU BoardMajor studies of nonprofit boards have identified board recruitment as one of the most significant challenges, TMCF chief Johnny Taylor writes.September 13, 2012Page 1 of 1