National Survey of Hispanic AdultsThe Latino Coalition commissioned the following survey, which was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates’ Opiniones Latinas. One-thousand Hispanic adults in the United States were interviewed from Aug. 2-4, 2002, for this survey. Black Issues presents excerpts from the survey.
Percentage of respondents who answered the following questions:Q: What is your national ancestry? Mexican 65.2
Puerto Rican 7.6
Cuban 4.8
Dominican 2.7
South American 6.4
Central American 7.7
Other Hispanic 5.5
Q: What is your age?
18-25 16.9
26-40 31.9
41-55 28.3
56-65 12.9
Over 65 10.1
Mean 42.77
Q: What is the most important issue facing Latinos in the United States today? Immigration 17.8
Discrimination/Prejudice 17.8
Education 14.8
Employment/Unemployment 9.5
Q: Which national Latino political leader,
living today, do you most admire? No Answer 74.4
President Vicente Fox 3.7
Henry Cisneros 1.8
Republican Luis Gutierrez 1.3 Q: Do you feel confident that the quality of life for your children will be better than it has been for you, about the same, or worse?Better 69.5
About the Same 14.2
Worse 12.1
Other/DK*/Refused 4.3Q: Generally speaking, would you say that you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president? Approve 68.4 Disapprove 23.9
DK/Refused 7.7 Q: Regarding your health care insurance coverage, which one of the following comes closest to describing your own personal
situation? No Health Insurance 29.9
Private Insurance Co. 48.8 On Medicare 12.3
On Medicaid 7.8
Q:. (For those who have no insurance only) — Where do you go most often for health care services?
Private Doctor 31.7 Hospital Emergency Room 18.9
Community Health Center 34.7 Holistic Doctor 2.1
It Depends/Other 7.4
DK/Refused 5.1
Q: In your opinion, what ought to be the purpose of bilingual education programs in the public school system?
Learn english well 68.2 Teach in native language 25.9 DK/Refused 5.8
Q: Which of the following statements comes closest to your own personal opinion?
“The Hispanic community should become more a part of American society, even if it means losing some of its own cultural identity.” 55.9
“The Hispanic community should keep its own culture, even if it means staying somewhat separate from the rest of American society.” 32.6
11.5 Q: What do you consider to be the greatest barrier that keeps Latinos from succeeding in the United States?
Language 28.8 Lack of Education 18.8 Discrimination 14.4
Hispanics Our/Themselves 6.3 Immigration Laws 4.3
Q: Should illegal immigrants be given the same government benefits and rights as those immigrants who came to this country legally?
Yes 59.2 No 34.3 DK/Refused 6.5
Q: Regardless of whether or not you are
registered, with which political party do you identify most?
Republican 22.9
Democrat 48.4 Independent 13.4
DK/Refused 15.3
Q: Are you registered to vote? Yes 59.7 No 39.7 DK/Refused 0.6
Q: What is your estimated annual household income? Under $20,000 31.5 $20,001-$40,000 30.0
$40,001-$60,000 14.7
$60,001-$75,000 5.1
Over $75,000 6.1
DK/Refused 12.6
Mean 33.46Q: What is your current marital status?
Single, never married 25.7
Married 56.3
Separated 4.7
Divorced 7.6
Widowed 4.7
DK/Refused 1.0Q: What is the last grade of formal education you have completed?
Less than High School 30.3
High School Graduate 30.1
Some College 20.7
College Graduate 14.3
Post-Graduate Work 3.8
Q: How long have you lived in the United States? Less than One Year 1.0
1-5 Years 5.7
5-10 Years 8.5
10-20 Years 21.2
20+ Years/Whole Life 62.7
DK/Refused 0.9
Male 47.4
Female 52.6Region: New England 2.5
Middle Atlantic 12.4
East North Central 6.9
West North Central 1.7
South Atlantic 11.9
East South Central 0.9
West South Central 19.9
Mountain 10.2
Pacific 33.6
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