RICHMOND, Va. — The University of Richmond will host a lecture and panel discussion examining hip-hop as a social, political and artistic movement.
“Sampling Black History: Examining the Evolution of Hip Hop in America” will be held on Feb. 19, 7-9:30 p.m., in the Robins School of Business, Ukrop Auditorium.
Panelists are hip-hop producer Hank Shocklee, Richmond-based artist Mad Skillz and law professor Chris Cotropia, director of the Intellectual Property Institute at the university’s School of Law.
Shocklee is founder of the seminal rap group Public Enemy – who became infuential in the evolution of hip-hop – and the production team the Bomb Squad.
The lecture was organized by Erik Nielson, an associate professor of liberal arts and a hip-hop culture expert currently teaching a course on “The Voice of Hip Hop in America.”
The event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required.
Audience capacity already has been reached. To be placed on a wait list, visit