The University of Alaska’s president Jim Johnsen resigned Monday after weekslong criticism from many faculty about his lack of vision for the institution and what they said were his tone-deaf comments on diversity.
“The decision regarding a change in leadership was mutual and was made after considerable reflection by the board,” said the university’s Board of Regents chair Sheri Buretta.
Earlier this month, Johnsen withdrew from being considered for the post of University of Wisconsin president. Around the same time, the University of Alaska’s faculty union called for his resignation.
The board didn’t mention any reasons for Johnsen’s resignation or its acceptance.
“I’ve been on the Board of Regents for the past five years, and we’ve had numerous challenges and successes, and so there’s nothing in particular, other than it was just the right time for the university and President Johnsen to come to this decision to be able to move the university forward,” Buretta told Alaska Public Media.