Mark Mitsui, Portland Community College (PCC) president, and Sylvia Kelley, PCC executive vice president, have both announced their retirements.
Mitsui will retire in June 2022 at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year. Kelley will retire in December 2021.
“During his tenure, Mitsui championed Pathways to Opportunity, a statewide partnership made up of all 17 Oregon community colleges and Oregon’s Department of Human Services. Its aim is to close opportunity gaps and increase economic mobility by expanding federal, state, and local resources available to low-income students so that more people can attend and complete college,” according to PCC officials.
Mitsui’s leadership has helped PCC win several sustainability awards, including PCC being named the top U.S. community college by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education in 2019.
Under Kelley’s leadership, the PCC Foundation completed its first comprehensive fundraising campaign, raising almost $47 million.