General Colin L. Powell
With $1 million from a William & Mary Foundation trustee who wishes to remain anonymous, the university will establish an endowed fund to award the Colin Powell Global Engagement Scholarship starting in the 2024-2025 academic year. At least six top students eager to study abroad will be scholarship recipients.
"Colin Powell dedicated his life to public service and to creating opportunities for young people," said Dr. Katherine A. Rowe, president of William & Mary. "His remarkable legacy lives on through this gift. The Powell scholarship will open doors for future leaders to gain the kind of transformative experience that comes from studying abroad."
Powell passed away on October 18 at the age of 84. He served as National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State, becoming the first Black American to hold all three roles. The scholarship also recognizes Powell's son, Michael K. Powell, for his contributions. Michael Powell recently ended his term as chair of the William & Mary Foundation and served on the Board of Visitors from 2001 to 2009.
"General Powell's service to our country and his faithfulness to the principles on which it was founded are an inspiration to us all," said the trustee and scholarship donor, who is an alumna. "I hope that students who receive this scholarship will learn from his example and from that of Michael Powell, who exemplifies so well what it means to be a leader both on the national level and at our beloved alma mater."