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Tribal Colleges
News Roundup
Pawnee Nation College to Receive Funds for Tech Grant and Computer Lab
Pawnee Nation College in Pawnee, Okla., has been selected as a grant recipient of the Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration ’s Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program.
Tribal Colleges
How A Rural Community College Supports Native American Students
Native American college student enrollment has been on the decline this year.
Tribal Colleges
Keeping the Tank Full for Tribal College Students
As gas prices continue to climb, TCUs are scrambling to accommodate expenses well into the summer and beyond.
Tribal Colleges
Teletherapy Launches at Rural Tribal College in Wisconsin
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College launched a teletherapy program for students, staff, and faculty.
Tribal Colleges
$11 Billion Could Change Education and Life on the Reservation
After years of lagging infrastructure and decades of broken promises, Indian country is set to receive potentially lifechanging funding: $11 billion to improve broadband, transportation, water and electricity access.
Tribal Colleges
Diné College Librarians Granted Faculty Status
Diné College librarians have been granted faculty status, a first for Tribal Colleges and Universities.
Tribal College ‘Beats the Odds’ to Find Academic Success
In 2011, the college awarded 204 diplomas and certificates, 155 in 2010 and 133 in 2009.
Tribal Colleges
Obama Administration Jobs Plan Has Higher Education Funds
Community and tribal colleges would receive $5 billion for construction projects under President Obama’s new jobs plan, which also could shore up state education budgets and provide post-secondary job training opportunities.
A Tribal College’s Bold Approach to Launching Public School Academies, Charter Schools
Established throughout Michigan by the Bay Mills Community College, public school academies preserve Native culture and language with commitment to increasing student achievement.
Kellogg Foundation Pursues College Access Agenda
Tribal colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions are among beneficiaries of the foundation’s diversity-related efforts in U.S. higher education.
UNCF Green Building Institute Focuses on Helping Schools Find Funds, Save on Costs
Obama administration officials and environmental and finance experts advised at the UNCF Building Green Learning Institute on how UNCF campuses can enhance sustainability measures within buildings while saving on costs.
Native Americans
Oklahoma Gaming Proving Profitable for Tribal Higher Education
Legalizing American Indian gaming 10 years ago has brought about a cash windfall for Oklahoma’s tribal colleges, even if it is indirect.
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