Emil GuillermoOpinionMy Diversity Moment with the MilitaryAt the Army National Guard, celebration of diversity is more than lip service because over there people seem to know diversity is an essential part of its core mission. And, on top of that, they know it really works.May 29, 2017HomeYale’s Snowflake Justice and Public Shaming of Yelping Dean Jean ChuSince the Yale Daily News broke the story of the Yelping dean, she’s been subject to ridicule for her candid reviews of local restaurants.May 21, 2017StudentsGuillermo: Trump Uses Liberty Commencement to Justify TrumpAfter one of the worst weeks of his truth-challenged presidency, Donald Trump was fortunate to have a “just what the doctor ordered” platform: a commencement speech, and at Liberty University, at that.May 14, 2017Leadership & PolicyGuillermo: Hidden Cash, Not Coulter, University of California’s ProblemBy making news last week, Ann Coulter actually helped obscure a real news story when a state audit revealed that the University of California had a hidden surplus of $175 million.April 30, 2017StudentsGuillermo: New York Codifies an Orwellian ‘Tuition-free’ College PlanHere’s a word of caution. When a politician uses the word “free,” have your hand on your wallet and one foot out the door.April 16, 2017Faculty & StaffGuillermo: Does Your Diversity Look Like Latest White House War Room?When there’s a crisis on campus what does your institution’s “war room” look like? Is it even close to a perfect mirror of your campus community?April 9, 2017Leadership & PolicyGuillermo: Halted or Not, Travel Ban Already Impacting Higher EdEven while both of Donald Trump’s executive orders banning travel from six Muslim-majority nations have been stalled by federal district courts, the fear of a travel ban is already creating negative impacts for schools, according to a new friend of the court brief filed by 31 universities on Friday.April 2, 2017StudentsGuillermo: Ex-Penn State President’s Conviction a Teachable MomentWhen it comes to sexual abuse, or anything sexual that smacks of criminality, you report it to police. You don’t cover it up. You don’t think of the institution you represent first.March 26, 2017Asian American Pacific IslanderGuillermo: Asian American Professors Speak on Suit Against U. of MichiganWhat is the situation like for professors of color at major universities, particularly the ones teaching the story of ethnic diversity?March 19, 2017Faculty & StaffGuillermo: Asian American Professors Suit May Expose University of MichiganA married Asian American couple — both a former and current faculty member of the University of Michigan — have charged the school with violations of the Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.March 12, 2017Previous PagePage 3 of 11Next Page